Saturday, January 8, 2011

Where Does The US Political System Fit?

In the spectrum from Absolute Freedom to Absolute Authority, the US Political System would be just about in the middle, balanced between the two extremes.

Winston Churchill said "democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms that have been tried".  While the US political system is messy, inefficient, and costly, it is still, in many ways, better than the alternatives.

The two main parties today are the Republicans, who tend to favor Classical Liberalism or less government involvement, and the Democrats, who tend to favor more government involvement and more government run services to the people.

While politicians will argue visciously between more or less government involvement in various issues, it is the tension between the parties that keeps the US political system firmly grounded in the middle of the spectrum with little variation from one side to the other.  The US political system is designed so that the tension between the parties will never be resolved.  The tension will always exist, and therefore our government will always be in the middle of the two extremes.

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